Tuesday, 28 July 2009

First Ever Blog

Inspired by Katie_Cakes and georgiaface I have started my very own blog.
It has kind of stemmed out of Tweeting I suppose. I love Twitter but I sometimes feel limited by the 140 character space and also I sometimes want to have rants, which I don't feel everyone really needs to know about.
My blog won't be as prolific as georgiaface's or as yummy as Katie_Cakes, but who knows it may find its own niche.
So that is all for now, watch this space...


  1. I love that when I tried to access your blog it told me that it may contain naughty material. You gonna be posting titties and foofies here Gemma??

    Follow me please, I will love you for always and bake you many cakes!


  2. I was also completely thrilled by the concept of naughtiness!!
